Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hesh vs. Fresh


Who has the better video?? Hesh vs Fresh, you decide.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Paisa Corner

There are many different meanings for the word Paisa; from a countryman, to a person born in Medellin Colombia, but my all time favorite use of the the word, comes directly from the Urban Dictionary, and describes a certain type of Mexican below:

Its the American equivalent to being a hillbilly or redneck. With that being established, we bring to you the latest in "Paisa" technology and entertainment. Accordion Hero is sweeping the barrio faster than the Palatero man and his jimaica pops. The object of the game is similar to Guitar Hero, where you must hit all the notes as they appear on the screen and make your "squeeze o' meter" hit the red. That's when your paisa points really start maximizing. Its great fun for the whole family, a good gift for quinceaneras or a entertaing way for you and your crew to break up the monotony during halftime of the Chivas futbol game.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thailand connect

if you happen to be in Bangkok Thailand this weekend, go kick it with the Preduce homies at the premiere for their new video "Sambai". There will be a gang of hot Thai women, dope skating and lots of dranks. Skate or Die.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ron Artest

Kenny Bloggins is a die hard Lakers fan, and he is a little upset that Ron Artest and the Houston Rockets have pushed the playoff series to Game 7. As a Laker fan and with all the bad blood in this series, its hard to hate on Ron Artest, because hes sooo hood, that it makes you love em. In this post we celebrate the ultimate in NBA coonery, with this classic brawl between Ron and all of Detriot.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mess with the Bull

You get the horns.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tuan Diggz

got it like that.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lemme get a Newport my ninja..

Listen family member and all around funny ass dude, Jose Pereyra got a web interview runnin on Slap Mag right now. Check it out playa.