Holy Shit, i forgot how fresh Johnny Rad was...one of the original Skate Rockers. OG as fuck. Here's transcripts from his appearance in The Search for Animal Chin...
"Welcome to the Blue Tile Lounge. I'm your host, Johnny Rad!!! It ain't no fool to be this cool. I'd like to welcome all you wall jammers out there. I don't know if you knew this, but this is a sk8 & destroy party. Just sold over a hundred records!! Urethane baby!! Yeah! Lemme tell you guys something. First of all, no one's more into finding Animal Chin than the Rad-Man. Now, that's the bottom line. There's something you guys gotta know. If you look too hard for Animal Chin, you're never gonna find him. You gotta relax, and enjoy your skating. Think about that. Alright, young dudes!"
"Fun is Fun son" Johnny Rad @ TRiP Santa Monica, July 12th 2013. Have You Seen Him ?